As far as I am concerned the only thing that you need to consider when selecting a putter is your feelings toward that putter. That’s right. Loft, weight, shaft lean, face inserts all take a back seat to how you feel about that specific putter. Does it make you feel excited? Do you like the way it looks? How does it feel when you hold it? Do you trust it? These are the only questions that you need to ask.
The relationship and trust you place in your putter is the #1 factor in determining how many putts you are going to make over time. There are a lot of flashy items out there and a lot of things are going to catch your eye. But something truly unique that you can forge a special relationship with might just be the missing ingredient.
This is where Greenwood Putters enters the conversation. It’s custom, it’s high quality, and it is unique. Most importantly it is made of wood. The whole idea behind using wood is that you are able to feel a truer connection with the golf ball. The quote below from Greenwood sums it up nicely.
“Putting is all about feel. Unlike metal, which amplifies the power of your stoke, wood absorbs impact allowing for a more precise transfer of force. No more compensating or second guessing. Your stroke becomes truer, more sensitive and accurate. It just feels right.”
Let’s do a quick check on the vitals while we consider the romantic idea of the wooden putter.
300 Grams - A great look and weight makes it feel familiar in your hands.
0 Degree Loft - Designed for a solid strike and pure connection.
Solid Square Look - The craftsmanship is undeniable and looks good from over the ball.
Walnut - A surprisingly crisp and solid feel off of the putter face.
Lifetime Warranty
Genuine Leather Grip - The Greenwood comes ready to roll in leather.
KBS CT Tour Putter Shaft - KBS shaft performance on the green.
Custom Metal Plate Sole - Shiny gold goodness let’s other golfers know that you are the real deal.
The Greenwood Putters come in two different colors, Brown Sugar Walnut and Walnut-Shou Sugi Ban, which is the Japanese art of preserving wood by charring it with fire. I tried out the Brown Sugar Walnut… mostly so I wouldn’t burn myself with fire. The sweetness of the sugar was evident when I banged in my first birdie putt of the round from 20 feet. I can’t quite call it love at first sight, but I am definitely looking forward to taking her out on a second date.
Christmas Gift Alert: This item has officially been tagged as a top tier Christmas idea. Even the golfer that has everything won’t have their own custom Greenwood putter.
To get your hands on your own Greenwood design check out their website.