Golf Blog

The Golfography Experience

When Channing Benjamin called me and told me that he had an idea, I was all ears. Pro tip: When Channing has an idea, it’s usually a good idea and you should listen. This idea was particularly grand. I eagerly ate up Channing’s words as he laid out his plans for the Inaugural Channing Benjamin Golfography Experience.

The Golfography Experience was Channing’s mission to share his passion for photography and golf with the world in a meaningful way. While sharing photography on social media has a part in growing the game of golf, Channing was looking to share his photography secrets and actually teach others how to create world class images. He wasn’t just planning a photography workshop, but a golf photography experience with brands, collaborators, and like minded individuals.

Channing invited both myself and Matt Cardis of Golf In Your State to join the party and do what we could to enhance the experience. We were Gung-Ho on the idea. We made a poster, gathered up some of our favorite golf brands, and booked some tee times at Ram’s Hill Golf Club. The Golfography was born.


Even though I have boiled this experience down to the 4 bullet points below, I could write 25 bullets on what the experience actually entailed.

  • 18 holes of golf at Ram’s Hill Golf Club in Borregos Springs, CA

  • A complimentary lite breakfast and lunch

  • Landscape / Sunset / Sunrise Photography Instruction

  • Training on Optimal Camera settings and Setup, including lens selection


From the moment that the participants started to arrive, I knew that this experience was going to be special. A camaraderie immediately emerged amongst everyone. Our common bond of golf photography had united us all and the passion flowed freely. Since our group wasn’t large, we got to spend time with each other and learn about everyone’s journey through the world of golf photography.


Ram’s Hill turned out to be the perfect venue for a photography event. With stunning mountains in the backdrop and no homes to spoil the view, Ram’s Hill shines even on an overcast day. Our crew took advantage and got creative from behind the lens.

Matt Cardis spouts some photography wisdom during the lunch session

Matt Cardis spouts some photography wisdom during the lunch session

Channing kicks off the event with a rousing and inspirational speech

Channing kicks off the event with a rousing and inspirational speech

The brands that joined in on the Inaugural experience played a huge part in making the event successful. With a powerful lineup of event hosts, all of the participants left with their hands full of some of the coolest golf gear in the game.

“That’s the shot. I am not perfect and neither is my golf swing.” - Response from Channing Benjamin upon seeing this photo

“That’s the shot. I am not perfect and neither is my golf swing.” - Response from Channing Benjamin upon seeing this photo

Rather than a monologue on the event, I felt it was appropriate to put the event into the words of the people that were there.

  • “This will be a day I won't soon forget.” - Epic Golf Shot

  • “Even with light-challenged skies, everyone had a great time with clubs, cameras and drones (so many drones)” - Golf Getaways

  • “One of the best times we’ve had in golf!” - Foredagolf

  • “We’re all in this together trying to make golf stronger and excite golfers about the places the game is capable of taking us. - Darin Brunch

  • “This was my first time playing golf outside of the midwest. It was an incredible weekend that ended way too soon.” - Parker Golf Photography

  • “An experience that I can pour my heart into. It’s not just photography. It’s life lessons. It’s comradery. It’s respect. It’s fun.” - Golf in Your State

  • “I am just here for the pizza.” - Patrick Koenig

  • “It was so much fun hosting a bunch of golf nuts who just happen to love photography.” - Channing Benjamin


After our lunch break we headed back out on the course to play some more golf. However, this time we took on Ram’s Hill Golf Club with a twist. We played that back nine as a 10some. Yes that is right, there were 10 of us golfing our balls and a dozen or so of us taking pictures. It was mad wild golf fun.

The shear amount of imagery that we compiled at this event was significant and it took quite some time to go through all of the images but the image below on the right resonates with me the strongest. The reason for the resonation doesn’t lie solely with the image or the rainbow, but it lies with the people and the story told in the caption. The video from Foredagolf on the left, captures the mood perfectly.

With the exposure and success of the first event, the second event is already in the planning stages. Send me a message on the contact tab below if you are interested in being a part of the upcoming “Golfography” Experiences.