Golf Blog

Out-modeling the Model

It’s no secret that the world of male modeling is violently competitive. It is a dog eat dog existence and only the best looking are going to survive. Given my tendency for unnecessarily bold assertions of confidence, I jumped into the world of competitive modeling with reckless abandon.

After years of heartbreak mixed with moderate success, this model is still standing tall. Most importantly, I have many excellent stories to tell from my adventures as an elite male model. One of my favorite tales comes from my encounters with Instagram superstar and world class model Paige Spiranac. Every time that I run into Paige, a ferocious desire for competition immediately overwhelms me and I feel compelled to beat Paige at her own game. Here is a look at my attempts to '“out-model the model” over the years.

Model-off #1 - Pebble Beach power face


When I first met Paige it was at Pebble Beach for an event with Gotta Golf. This particular model-off took place on the 18th fairway as we finished up the round. As you can see both of our model games are strong but relatively basic. Here we have a classic blue steel showdown.

At this point, Paige had roughly 100k followers on Instagram and I figured that I had a chance to take her down... I was seriously wrong. The voting for this model-off took place on my Pebble With Paige post. The final vote count is below.

Paige: 2,312

Patrick: 4 ( One of those votes was from my mom)

It was immediately clear that I had some serious work to do. I retreated back home and set up a series of meetings with my stylist and my male modeling psychologist. It was a crushing defeat and I needed time to regroup.

Several years later, I had mentally recovered from the devastating loss and I was ready to get back into the elite model game. Over this same period of time, Paige had witnessed a meteoric rise to fame and was currently on the cover of Golf Digest magazine.

I had scheduled an appearance at the 2016 Golf Digest Think Young Play Hard Invitational in Las Vegas and I had plans for revenge.

Model Off #2 - Las Vegas Lunge

Let’s take a moment to dive into the details of this rematch.

Paige: Exuding a high level of confidence from her recent success as a Golf Digest cover model, Paige shows effortless grace as she recreates her iconic pose.

Patrick: Koenig shows off a great deal of potential with a wide range of flexibility. However, it is clear that Koenig is trying too hard here. He wants revenge badly and it shows.

As you can see from Paige’s response below, she knows that she is dominating the model-off. It’s pretty much just a pity tweet at this point.


Model-off #3 - Dirty RV Duel

After several defeats in a row, I decided to find some solace on the open road. It was time to quit my day job and start The RGV Tour in 2018. I knew I had the modeling chops to compete with the world’s elite; I just needed some time to hone my poses and polish my glances. After a full year on the road, featuring countless local television appearances, my male modeling game was finally rounding into form. I scheduled Paige on the RGV Tour Podcast knowing full well that a model-off would ensue.


Let’s breakdown the details of the 3rd official elite model-off between Koenig and Spiranac.

  • Pose - We se a really good pop from Paige here, but Koenig holds his own with near perfect balance.

  • Vibes - A strong natural aura emanates from both competitors. New records for confidence and swagger are set in the “Modeling next to a dirty RV” category.

  • Attire - Close call here. Neither model is really stealing the show. The dueling visors play nicely with the camera.

  • Sexiness - Koenig holds a strong edge here with a noticeable reveal of an impressive leg tan line. You can almost hear the crowd react favorably.

Voting: Home match for Koenig with voting taking place on his personal Instagram story.

Paige: 2,431 votes

Patrick: 2,442 votes

Model-off Results

I had to count the votes twice myself, but Instagram doesn’t lie. Rising from the pits of despair and defeat, I was able to out-model the model in one of the most narrow modeling victories that the internet has ever seen.

As you can tell by the graph on the left, this vote was tight. I was pacing back and forth in the RV, sweating profusely, as the tally came down to the final minutes.

Side note: I lost the “unofficial” model-off that Paige posted in her own Instagram story by about a billion.

Model-Off #4 - The Cheesecake Factory Showdown


One thing that I know about Paige is that she hates losing. She hates it. It’s clear in this latest model-off that she has returned with her A game and has no intentions of losing twice in a row.

Do I even stand a chance?

Why are we modeling in front of a Cheesecake Factory?

Vote Below.

UPDATE: As expected. Paige dominated both the online and Instagram voting portions of this competition. Even with the home field advantage, I lost the model off badly. Paige’s lunge form is near perfection, and it’s clear that I have lost my edge.

Paige: 4,534

Patrick 1,289

Model Off #5 - PGA Show pose off

After a solid beating in front of the Cheesecake Factory, it was time to return to the drawing board. Do I have what it takes to return to the winner’s circle of world class modeling? Am I washed up loser nobody? What is wrong with my face? These thoughts plagued my brain for months.

I decided the answer was practice. I hit the modeling circuit hard and honed my craft. After a showdown with some of America’s greatest actors, it was clear that my game was still in tip top shape. DiCaprio, Clooney, and Bieber were all easily dismissed as inferior models. It was time to re-engage my nemesis.


Our next pose off would come at the 2020 PGA Show in Orlando. After a busy day of talking Medterra, it was time to get down to the business of modeling.

After the competition was officially launched, it was clear that this was going to be a close competition. The votes poured in as I eagerly monitored the competition. 51% to 49%… 49% to 51%.. the verdict wavered back and forth. I quickly took to the grounds of the PGA Show and even did some grass roots campaigning. In the end, my efforts returned fruitless.

Paige: 4,231

Patrick: 4,123

Bonus: PGA Show Patrick V Paige:

In an attempt to even the score, I decided to incorporate a number of new challenges with Paige. The result was similar and predictable.

Model off #6 - Mexican Masterpiece

After feasting on a fine Mexican fare dinner, my energy was low and this pose-off caught me by surprise.

The list of excuses runs deep here. Paige wasclearly working on her moves during dinner and I was entirely focused on devouring my enchiladas.

I even untucked my shirt during dinner to finish off my second order of tacos.

To be fair, Paige’s pop is first rate and my standard macho lunge is no match for her talents.

Final Score:

Paige: A billion

Patrick: 2

Model Off #7 - RGV TOUR 2.0 Redemption Duel

With just one victory in the history of pose downs, I knew that I had to return to my strengths in order to achieve victory again. Since my lone victory came on The RGV Tour 1.0, it only made sense to attempt to repeat history on RGV Tour 2.0.

Final Score:

Patrick: 2554

Paige: 753

I blamed the shadows for my defeat, you really don’t get the full effect on the depth of my lunge here.

Paige’s leg extension here is one of the finest that I have seen from her. She clearly brought her A game to avenge her only defeat.

It was a frustrating loss but I clearly did not deserve the victory, However, I did get the world record for most different 18 hole golf courses played in a single year.

Bonus Duel:

After I lost the duel with Paige off of the golf course, I made sure to take care of business on the golf course. Check out my match with Paige at The Phoenician below.